This section of the James Yoka Ekip website aims to promote the great intermountain valley systems of the central Highlands of Papua New Guinea, showcasing flora and fauna diversity, highlighting the remarkable achievements of the people who live in these valleys and hillsides, thereby educating readers about Hagen history, culture, religion, values, leadership, governance, commerce, industry, art, craft, music, dance, sports, recreation, and so forth. Talented PNG writers will be given the opportunity to publish their articles on any of the topics mentioned (above). Commentaries on PNG politics, economy, development, government, business, and service delivery will be published on the James Yoka Ekip website and linked to social media platforms
(WhatsApp, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube) and PNG dailies (The National and Post Courier)
Leadership and
The classic Highlands big-man model of leadership has prepared Hagen men for leadership in business and politics at all levels, from district to province to national. Big-men gain prestige from distributing, rather than accumulating, wealth.
The extraordinary skills of the big-men to allocate pork in equal portions to so many people at a mumu place is quite an experience. They always make sure that women and child have something to eat. Only after everyone has received a share, will they eat what ever little is remaining at the mumu place. Men often go without pork when there is not enough to around, in which case, a good-hearted woman might donate her share to the men to share among themselves. Transparency and accountability (good governance) are clearly demonstrated in moka as well as in pork sharing. Contemporary PNG leaders in the National Parliament could learn something from traditional Hagen big-men
Commerce and
Look at the Wahgi Valley from the air and you will be surprised to see that the land is extensively cultivated with food gardens and plantations. Where in the world can you find a market with a wider range of fresh fruits and vegetables than our Mount Hagen market? Our Land-Cruisers are hired and stripped by our clients from the upper Highlands. Landowners from mines and oil and gas fields live in our hotels and hire our vehicles – only to disappear without paying their bills. But we continue to expand our businesses in spite of these challenges.
We risk our lives to travel to remote corners of the country to buy betel nut, thereby enriching coastal people with our money, and making them healthy by feeding them with our fruits and vegetables. Cabbage stew has transformed the coastal man – from malnourished bodies damaged by “grillie” ringworm skin infections to plump well proportioned men and women.
Sports and
The Mount Hagen Eagles Rugby League Team has recently won the Digicel Cup. One of the country’s first rugby league exports to the United Kingdom was Philip Ralda of Mount Hagen. Kumul centre Roderick Tai of Kuk, near Mount Hagen, is among the current crop of PNG rugby league players in the UK.
Religion and
Most Reverend Dr Clement Papa, PhD, was recently ordained Coadjutor Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Mount Hagen. He will assist Archbishop Dr Douglas William Young, SVD, in pastoral and administration work of the archdiocese – and has the right of succession, which means that he will take over from Archbishop Young upon his retirement. Fr Clement Papa has a doctorate in Systematic Theology from the University of Divinity in Melbourne, Australia.
Community Obligations
James Yoka Ekip built a road between Ruki-orong and Kagamuga airport for the people of Jika Kilampi and Elti-Penambi to access services
Land, People
Histroy & Cultures
The Melpa people of Hagen live in the great valleys (Wahgi, Nebilyer and Baiyer). They have a rich culture, based on early development of agriculture around 10,000 years ago, well-developed social structure, and leadership system, based on the great Hagen moka ceremonial exchange system.